Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend in Cedar City!

Mike and I spent last weekend with my parents in cedar! It was a short visit but we had fun. Mike is crossing off the rooms he has stayed in at their bed & breakfast. He has one more to go, and it just happens to be MY old room. We always have a great time. Good food, lots of games, and a road trip to either Bryce Canyon or Zions.
My personal favorite is Zions which is where we went this time. I've always felt a connection there. We went on a few hikes and stopped when it got to muddy. We also took Mike through the tunnel *Simkins Style* at the top of Zions and he fell right into place. We have this tradition (thanks to my dad) of sticking our head out the window and what was originally a scream like an evil laugh "wah ha ha haaaaaa" has turned into a whole new animal. Siren sounds, "Hey you guys" (goonie style. This was mikes addition), "slow down", , along with just screaming bloody murder into the passing cars. Which usually ends with the slamming of breaks and hysterical laughter and tears down my dads face. If you have never been, its about a mile drive in pitch black aside from the lights of cars going through. Once we reach the end we act unsuspecting in case of a complaint- and mike pretended to be asleep against the window! A true natural! :) My mom has never joined in and she claims it is because she is laughing so hard. I'll accept that answer! :) We ended our day with dinner in the charming little town on the main street and stopped for dessert at Dairy Queen on the way home.

We also went to Kolob on Monday before we left and found a few more muddy hikes. It is such a beautiful area they live in and everything is within 45minutes. (Dad.. where is our group picture?)

My dad had so much fun playing taboo on their trip to CA to see my sister Hailey he bought it for our visit. We had a lot of good laughs especially at my dads expense. I'm grateful for these memories and the pictures my dad takes. The above are a few from our visit!

Thanks for another memorable visit!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy 1st day of Spring!

I'm so glad this winter is over. Don't get me wrong. Certain things are fun, cuddling up next to the fire & watching a movie, eating hot soup, & snow ball fights! But spring! It says it all.. I get a little spring in my step just thinking of it!

The motivation was clear yesterday, despite the reports for rain and the wind working effortlessly to gather the clouds together. Mike and I started the beginning of a long project in the yard. I cleaned out scrap wood stacked in our once beautiful garden box and picked up garbage that had found it's way into our back yard after a long winter. I ripped up the once beautiful fruitful plants from the garden and made room for new seeds! Yes, we are doing seeds this year! YIKES!
This year we are adding cucumbers, carrots, snap peas, red onions, beef tomatoes, to our garden in addition to last years tomatoes, peppers of every kind (jalapeno, Serrano, sweet, etc), squash, and herbs, herbs herbs...

Before Pictures:

Speaking of herbs, we also started our rock wall under our new deck where we are going to have our herb/flower garden. The soil was to low to comply with code, so a raised garden was the perfect functional remedy! I'm super excited about it! :) So much fresh edibles! :) YAY

While I was busy doing that stuff, mike was using his mighty man muscles to transplant trees from the back yard to the front and back again.. not an easy job! But he's the man to do it!

We had a great morning working out there and by 1pm we were done and ready for some in&out burgers! So we drove our dirty wind-blown selves down and joined the gluttonous "animal style" crowd of burger eaters!

The afternoon was spent in the kitchen making oatmeal, white chocolate, butterscotch, dark chocolate, coconut, pecan cookies for our NEW neighbors. (YES, all of that is packed into one little cookie) As of now, we are still eating them and our neighbors have no idea what is in store for them (us)!

Hitting the gym hard this week!