Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We may soon have to say goodbye to these little faces. :'(

We have decided to give up our calling as sunbeam teachers at church to prepare for our little girl to come. This has been a great experience... a little frustrating at times (if I can be honest) and sometimes the lessons seemed a little bit redundant, but overall the kids have really grown on us and we finally started feeling we had a good handle on the class. They just started participating and sharing their thoughts and ideas and interacting with each other. This last Sunday's lesson was about being an example and I had to take some pictures of these cute little faces.

Nursery update...

Mike and I completed the last minute touches on the painting in the nursery over the weekend. Mike even wants to try out the new crib arrangement. (what do you think?) :) He said more people could gather around to see her! He's already a proud daddy! :) Now the only things left to do is the nightmare rocking chair and cleaning the carpets. The room has come a long way since February. We are excited to have it almost complete and more importantly...we are ready for you baby Eden. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Our fist year!

It's hard to believe it's been a year since we had our "legal ceremony" in our back yard before taking off to Tahiti for our wedding ceremony! Its been wonderful and there isn't a day that I don't wake up and feel so grateful to have waited for Michael to enter my life and not a day goes by that I don't recognize that we are meant to be together. He is patient, loving, supportive, and makes me want to be better, but most important he keeps me laughing. We have so much fun together and I feel like he is my best friend. What more could I ask for. So to 1 amazing year and hopefully a million more to come! Happy Anniversary Love Love!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

knock knock.. who's there..

Last month we had some unexpected visitors. First we had Langdon (Mikes brother) from California at our door with his son Lincoln. It was a fun surprise and shortly after his sister Kristen arrived! They both only stayed a short time but it got us all together and we were able to have a great time. Mike, his brothers and sister Kristen all went dirt biking one day and his sister Angie and my sister in-law Taylor came to spend the day with me. We took Lincoln to the park and out to lunch and went grocery shopping to have the family over for dinner later that night.

The last day Langdon was here we made a trip to the S.L.T and walked around and through the visitor center. I haven't been there since December to look at the lights and at that time we just walked around the grounds.

It's nice to be visited with family! We had a great time and it was great to see them and all get together.

It's so great having langdon here. He is so great about taking pictures!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Baby showers = FUN!!!

I had a second baby shower Sept 17 (Holly's birthday) Fortunately, that didn't keep her from coming. I was so happy to have her there to celebrate with me. My AWESOME visiting teacher Brooke organized the whole thing and did a great job. Cooking 4 different kinds of bread and great food. I seriously don't know how she does it with 4 boys. She invited many of the girls from my ward who I haven't taken the opportunity to get to know and it really meant a lot to see how many girls are willing to celebrate this exciting time and get to know me. I felt unworthy of their love but VERY grateful.

My cousins & aunt made it and I was pleasantly surprised to see them. It made me so grateful for family and inspires me to be more active in their lives. Another fun surprise was my friend Melody. I met her while I was in CT living and she is such an amazing girl. I had an instant connection to her. Unfortunately, she moved back to UT after a year of the east coast, and we have remained in touch for the last 12 years but haven't seen each other for 10! Seeing her really made me remember what a great person she is and why I still remain in touch. I was also happy to have Mikes mom take the day off to join in the fun, and also my sister in law Taylor who has become a great friend. Mike also joined in with all the girls and stayed the entire time. He's good like that! He is my best friend and not having him there to share the moment with wouldn't have felt right. Plus, he never misses an opportunity to partake in Brooks food! :) (I know the real reason) ha ha

This baby shower was great in so many ways. It made me grateful for the blessing this little girl is going to be to my life and a reminder of all the many more I have currently. I found a greater appreciation for the girls in my ward, for my family, my extended family, and for meaningful friendships... and perhaps a deeper acceptance of myself and my worthiness for love!

Baby Eden is already changing my perspective and I know she is going to open my eyes to more blessings and a deeper love for everyone around me.